Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Amazing Journey

Today was an exciting day! It was my first visit to Journey Church in Laurel. Of course I was nervous. I worked diligently yesterday to find the right outfit for me and the girls. I remember from my sporadic church experiences as a child-that your outfit is a really big deal. I explained to the girls (mainly Neva) that we would be going to Church the next day. I'm ashamed to admit that at 2 1/2 and 1, this would be their first visit. Though I tried to explain it, I knew the concept was too abstract for their little minds. I worried about their reaction. I have flattered myself to think my children are very well behaved but over the last month I have seen some definite changes. I find Neva very defiant and acting out, almost in a plea for attention. Because Nori looks up to her big sister, she has been mimicking this negative behavior. I know a little about child development and I believe that this stretches beyond the typical "terrible two's". I believe this is a direct reflection of how difficult all of these changes have been on my babies. I've changed. I want to be the same. I even try to fake it for them. But they know. So, as I am thinking about our upcoming church experience, I cant help but worry about the girls.

I awake this morning and with a quick look at my clock, I had a "MY BISCUITS!!" moment.

Mom, having been an employee at David's  for years, was the breakfast cook. Though the store doesn't open until 5am, the cooking responsibilities required her to be there around 3:30am. Well, years ago, the first time she was late for work she awoke in a panic (as we all do when we are late) but the first (VERY LOUD) words that came out of her mouth were "MY BISCUITS!!"  For years to come, everytime she woke up late we would hear this line. My brothers and I found this to be hilarious. So, we too, began to use the phrase when we were late for school or work or anything.

So, anyway, I had a "MY BISCUITS!!" moment. I quickly got the girls and myself ready and we went to pick up my mom. I found her in the bathroom. In spite of our tardiness, she was still in her pajamas. Before I had the opportunity to comment on her "lolly gagging", I noticed the tears in her eyes. Then, I noticed the hair in the sink. I looked back at her and told her "Mama, you're beautiful". She continued to cry and told me that even though she was told she would lose her hair, she thought she would beat the odds and keep hers. I let her vent out her thoughts and cry out her hurt as I fought back my emotions and fixed her hair and applied her makeup. After she was dressed, I bragged about how beautiful she looked. And she really did. Although I could see that she was having a weak day. Her eyes were dark and her color was pail. I couldn't help but think, "maybe today is not a good day for church".

We arrived right on time. We nervously walked in the door and were immediately greeted by smiling faces. some were familiar, some were not. Br. Robby walked with me as I hesitantly left my girls in the nursery and toddler room. Then he showed us to our seats. I couldn't help but notice how laid back the atmosphere was. I didn't feel awkward like I thought I would. I also noticed that your outfit isn't important there. People were very casually dressed. "So, you don't have to wear expensive and uncomfortable clothes to go to church?" I thought to myself. This was a new concept to me. I liked it. The service was so moving. It was inspiring. The music was modern and exciting. As he preached, I felt as though Br. Robby was talking to me! He put his message in terms that I could understand. My mom was equally moved. I really didn't want it to end. We agreed that this place is absolutely amazing.

Afterwards, I rushed to get my girls. I found Neva working on a puzzle quietly, in the lap of a new friend. She looked so content and calm. "Hope you come back next week!" we heard, as we left the toddler room. Next came Nori in the nursery. I peeked in to find my little "mama's baby" as happy as she could be. She was being carried around and doted on by the beautiful young volunteer. "Hope to see ya'll next week!" we heard as we left the nursery. My eyes then went to my mom. She was in the lobby receiving hugs and love. I noticed her tears were gone. Her smile was back. Even her color looked better.

 The car ride home was much lighter. Instead of talk about hair loss and medicine, we rehashed the words we had heard that morning. There was a new level of calmness and optimism about us. Today, was definitely a good day for church. As will next Sunday.


  1. Nikki

    I love this post, I am so happy that you had a wonderful time at church and that you are planning on going back. A lot of ppl think you have to be all fancy at church but you do not the Lord says come as you are... I am still praying for you and your mom, and brothers..

  2. So glad you enjoyed Journey church. It is a great church with great people! We were out of town this past weekend but hope to see you there this Sunday. Continually praying for your mom, you, & the family.
